Andreas Håtveit’s Rough Cut
A real freesking movie made for real freeskiers!
X-Games winner Andreas Håtveit presents his favourite 2007 footage.
Andreas Håtveit goes through the skifilm 2007 footage to select his favourite shots and pulls it together in this adrenaline packed DVD filmed in high quality by award winning It includes Andreas’ best footage of the season and also the best of Andreas’ 2007 video diary as he sets up cable cams, does road gaps and builds big jumps. Andreas also selects the best edits of his friends including top freekiers Charles Gagnier, Simon Dumont, Sammy Carlson and TJ Schiller.
Note for viewers
Rough Cut is a freeski film made for hardcore freeskiers. It does not contain any big mountain freeride skiing. It does not overload with creative post production effects. By cutting out distractions and focusing on the riding, Andreas presents a beautifully clear film of the best freeskiing in the world in it’s pure and raw form.
Download “Rough Cut” here.